Robotics & Automated Systems
Level 1
Robotics & Automated Systems Level 1 (RAS 1) teaches robotics engineering with a technical design project framework. Students gain hands-on experience with bio-inspired hexapod robots and develop technical and career skills, preparing students for their future careers. Students will experience mechanical and electrical integration of their robot, mobile app building, and knowledge of the engineering industry and disciplines.
Grades: 9-12 | Duration: Semester
Why Take This Program?
Robotics is interwoven into the fabric of every engineering and scientific industry, from aerospace and automotive to medicine and nuclear physics. Students must learn foundational skills to be ready for the future career market.
What Do Students Experience?
1. Explore Robotics, AI
• Dive into robotics uses, definition, and breakdown
• Discuss AI and new evolutions of the tech
2. Assembly, Testing, and Troubleshooting
• Hexapod Robot Build and Assembly
• Troubleshooting Complex Assembly
• Driving and finetuning the Hexapod Robot
3. App Dev and Block Coding
• Learn coding basics such as loops, variables, commands
• Build app design
• Build App logic and background coding
• Customize and personalization of the app
4. Develop Career Skills
• Practice and hone 21st-century skills: critical thinking, problem-solving, formal presentation, task management, teamwork, and effective communication
• Work collaboratively in teams and communicate effectively with peers and instructors
• Practice and use engineering decision-making techniques, think iteratively and learn through trial and error
Classroom Equipment & Software
STEMI Lab LMS, STEMI Lab App, MIT App Inventor, Hexapod Robotics, and MIT AI2 Companion App (Android/Chromebook)/MIT App Inventor App (iOS)